Max Pollak Zoom Bar Mitzvah party

Max Pollack’s ZOOM Bar Mitzvah

In the garden at home.

“Max’s Bar Mitzvah party was supposed to be at the West Reservoir Centre, Stoke Newington. But Covid had other ideas.

Instead the family settled for a restricted socially distanced ZOOM party in the sunny back garden, with just Grandparents, Rabbi David Mason and the Shir Garden Trio to provide the music.

ZOOM allowed family and friends from all over the world to be present for Max’s Torah reading and speeches.

“We planned to have Shir at the Barmitzvah for our third child Max. It was hard to imagine a Simcha without them as they made the evenings for our elder two children when it was their turns!

However…. Max’s Barmitzvah was on one of the hottest nights of the year during Lockdown – Thursday night June 25th 2020. Ivor and the band (three of them) came to join our family in a safe and socially distanced way and we had a private party in the garden. Originally we were going to have them there by zoom, but the weather allowed them to be with us and from a distance!  We streamed it live to all our guests on zoom and could see everyone dancing in their living rooms.”

"Shir made the night for us in every way – we will never forget it and we finished with our favourite song ‘Od Yavo Shalom..’. They were as enthusiastic, warm and as brilliant as ever – relaxed, unbelievable music and a total simcha for us.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We loved having you with us!” Victoria Mattison-Pollack
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